Our Brains are cleft in two
And, as we all know
It is the right hemisphere
That provides us with our creative insight
Leaving the left half of the brain
To do the grunt work:
Language, Math
Facts and Analysis.
Nevertheless, Iain McGilchrist
Considered it Necessary
To write 462 pages
Of densely packed text
And over 100 pages
Of even denser text
In an even smaller font size
Of Notes and Bibliography
On. Exactly. This.
An Achievement
Not of Redundancy
But of critical Pertinence.
He establishes, Once and for All
The insidious work of
The Sinister side of the Brain
In its usurpation of the Dexter.
The Right hemisphere of the Brain
The Creative, Holistic side
Should Rightfully be Served
By its Servant, the Left hemisphere.
But in his telling, The Master - The Dexter
Has been subverted by its Emissary -
- The Sinister - in a Process which he links
With the rise of Modernity.
Scientism in The West
Begun with Galileo, quickly metastasized
Into the Rape of the Planet reflecting
The insurgency within our Bicameral Brains.
Now, this Advance of Technology
At the Expense of our Humanity
Is fully realized
In its Awful Apogee: The Development of AI.
The Master and his Emissary, Iain McGilchrist