It began raining around eleven
Then rained all day.
But by evening the weather
Had cleared, and to the North
Remnant clouds glowed a pink orange
Over the snow frosted Topas.
Living in their foothills: Aware
Of weather, water, wildlife and weeds
All churning to the seasons
All oblivious to the contained rhythms
Of this Observing Human
Within their Frame.
Sounding but a worn-out
Heartbeat to the swelling base
Of their geologic foundations;
To their wind and rain battered
Faces; their eroded soils
And the Febrile Biome at their feet.
Of consequence only
As an Apex Consciousness
Within the teeming life
That enfolds it:
Now Watching a Dawn
Of clouds and mist, strewn
Across a still rain-heavy sky.