To Read:
Any page
In Evelyn Underwood’s
Magisterial ‘Mysticism’
Is to fall under
The spell of Her Lyricism:
…In that Abyss
Where selfhood ceases to have meaning
St. Teresa observed
God in a point
What the German mystics call
The Still Wilderness.
The Lonely Desert of Deity:
The limitless Divine Abyss
Forever Hid in the Cloud of Unknowing
And yet
The True Country of the Soul.
Partly Bricolage
Partly Analogy
In shadow of the Mystic Triad
Partly Theological Reportage
All Intensely
And, for the time Being
Reading her
Is as close as I get
To the Glorious Frisson
Of a Truly
A Religious Experience…
Of Brahma the Creator
Shiva the Destroyer
Krishna the Repairer
Or the Christian Trinity:
Dry Bones that await
A Heavenly Breath.