It has been impressed upon me
Over the last two weeks
That I am a body.
As the Hindu dictum has it:
I am I, and therefore other than
Brahman: I have a body.
Last week, according to the
Weighing chair, I gained
One pound.
An essential stasis was
Achieved despite the fairly
Miserable Hospital food.
My corporeal mass
(Such as it is)
In denial of
Brahman - the formless
Source of all…
One pound is neither here nor there
Nor the where which is
The unity of all things.
(In any case
It is but an accident
Of my poisoned bowels).
Trapped in that human zoo
Of damaged specimens
Denied access that my
Privileged life affords
To an existence within
The urbanwildland…
Brahman is formless
But ‘tis the birthplace
Of all forms in visible reality
A reality that now sees
My return:
One pound heavier.