As a young man
Thomas Merton climbed
Dante’s seven stories
Of Limbo, Lust, Gluttony
Greed, Anger, Heresy and Violence.
His Birthright of Divine Consciousness
Obscured by Coarse appetites
And his Will to Power
Called to Christianity
After Cambridge and Columbia
He Awakened to a Vocation
Framed by the Renunciation
Of a Bellicose and Vapid Civilization.
He sought
A Cloistered Life:
To Banish
The Superfluous
In Search of Radiance.
This was not an act
Of supreme selfishness
But a selfless melding
Of his Individual Consciousness
Within the Divine.
Sustained by a Cistercian
Immured for the rest of his days
In ‘The Four Walls of his Freedom’
He wrote, and prayed.
His Life Committed
To the Substantiation
Of the Supreme Truth:
Consumed in Love
We Abide Forever in Radiance.