Non-native plants
Erase the indigenous;
They Deny the Good, True
And Beautiful Spirit Of a Place.
Weeds: Themselves Colonizers
Are Weaponized
By Human Colonizers
As Disrupters of Native Soils.
Tourists: Human Weeds.
Ephemeral Colonizers
With Permanent Impacts.
They Inevitably corrupt
The places they visit.
Cruise Ships and Jet planes
Are the primary Vectors
Of a Corruption
That Transmits the Pathogen
Of Homogenization.
Tourism is
The Irruption of Alien
Appetites and Values
Into Foreign Milieux.
These Predations
Vitiate the Intellectual
Moral, Aesthetic
Psychic, Morphological
Botanical, Biological
Geological and Organic
That are Intrinsic to Place.
That are Essential
To its Genius Loci.
Tourism is
Colonization writ small
The Erasure of the Unique
The Proliferation of the Predatory.
It is the Incipient Invocation
Of Kali
Destroyer of Indigeneity
Destroyer of Worlds.