Do Jews Believe in Jesus?
No, they Believe in an older God
Who will engender Universal
Peace and Brotherhood
At some Future time.
The lights have dimmed
In Bethlehem.
The Glory of His Birth
Damned in each moment
Of a Barbarous War.
The Messianic Age is not Now.
The Irredentists
Pursue their claim to
Holy Lands
Stained by Martyrs blood.
The Romans saw the Power
Of the Jesus Myth -
The Conflation of God and Man
And out of it Built the Progenitor
Of all Western Empires.
The West remains Ensorcelled
By this Presumption
Of Mortal Hegemony.
God’s Kingdom Ours
To Rule.
Is its Final Act
To be Complicit
In the Deadly Sins
Of a People
Awaiting Their Messiah?