Eucken once asked, Will it be Existence
Or Substance?
The Sense-World or the Transcendent?
In 1908, the Nobel Prize for Literature
Was His.
A little more than Fifty years Later
Dylan replied
The answer my friend, is blowing’ in the wind
In 2021, the Nobel Prize for Literature
Was His.
Evelyn Underhill introduced me to
Rudolf Eucken
In the prodigious
Footnotes that underpin
Her magisterial work, Mysticism.
In this, my short-stack exercise
In Compare and Contrast
Eucken does not represent only Substance
Nor Dylan only Existence.
As E.U. might put it, each sought Reality.
Philosophers and Mystics both,
One wrote in academic High German,
The other in demotic American.
Both express a commitment
To the experience of Transcendence.
Each flourished in the sense-world,
But, as artists
They wrote their higher calling:
The exposition of Substance
Within the evanescence of Existence.