Read, if you read, read.
Watch, if you watch, watch.
Feel, if you feel, feel
The surpassing immanence
Revealed in the cloud of unknowing.
For it is in its presence
That the deer lies in the meadow
The bird sits on the branch
And the creature stirs within us.
All hearts unaccountably full.
Read, if you read, read
The wisdom of the sages
Immersed in the oneness of everything
Listening from the heart
And speaking from the soul.
Watch, if you watch, watch
Your desires dampened
As your ego is enfolded
Within the sentience
That animates all of Creation.
Feel, if you feel, feel
This cloud of unknowing;
For beneath its shade
The tumult of your thoughts
Slip into the river of forgetting.
Pray, if you pray, pray.
For the Universe is in thrall
To empathic love;
Your Prayer a mote
In its unfathomable constellations.