Rocks for Soil
Plants for Water
Air for Wind, Fire for Fuel
And Humans
For Themselves
And Others.
I read Somewhere
That the only way
God could appreciate
The World They created
Was to People it
With Consciousness.
At first blush
Sounds like a Xtian
The human-centrism
Of a self-serving
Then I read (My Life in Books)
It is a matter
Of Empirical fact
That the Cosmos
Keeps company with itself
Through Consciousness.
That the Existential
Condition of the Universe
Is of Loneliness
Of all abiding Desolation:
Pale wash of Moonlight
On Empty Mountains.
Can it be possible
That All that can be Known
Depends on filaments
Of Connection
Colloquially known (On this Planet)
As Loveā¦
Rocks for Soil
Plants for Water
Air for Wind, Fire for Fuel
And Humans
For Themselves
And Others?